March 21, 2025 Call for Submissions
June 6, 2025 Entry Deadline: Forms, Fees, and Submittals Due by 5:00pm
September 19, 2025 Awards Gala at Cherry Hills Country Club
All individuals or firms submitting must be an ICAA Member. To become a member CLICK HERE
Eligible projects must be located within the Rocky Mountain Region (CO, ID, NM, WY, MT) or must be designed by a Rocky Mountain based practitioner. Projects must have a completion date no earlier than January 2015..
Those making the submission must have permission to use all photography and/or printed material contained within the submission. The ICAA and the ICAA Rocky Mountain Chapter reserves the right to use all materials contained within the submission for promotional purposes in future printed and digital media including by featuring winning projects on the ICAA websites (classicist.org and classicist-rmc.org), ICAA awards book(s), and ICAA media announcements.
All projects are required to be constructed unless otherwise noted below.
o Residential Architecture - less than 5,000sf
o Residential Architecture - more than 5,000sf
o Addition/Renovation/Folly - includes all renovation, addition, and restoration work to residential architecture without historical consideration
o Institutional/Civic/Commercial Architecture - includes Ecclesiastic and Multi-Family
o Residential Interior Design
o Commercial Interior Design
o One-Room Interior - includes interior design concentrated in a single room
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - includes residential and commercial
HISTORIC PRESERVATION - includes all renovation, addition, and restoration work to residential or commercial architecture with historical consideration
MASTERY IN BUILDING - includes work of residential and commercial builders
ARTISANSHIP - includes individuals and companies in the allied arts (i.e. iron work, woodwork, plaster, masonry, sculpture, decorative painting, stained glass, etc.)
LITERATURE/JOURNALISM - includes individuals and companies in the literature & journalism industry with work rooted in the classical tradition in architecture and art
EMERGING CLASSICIST - built or unbuilt project completed within 7 years of graduation
STUDENT - currently enrolled in graduate, undergraduate or certificate program OR recent graduate within the last 12 months, project must be completed in an academic studio, project is not required to have been built
ENTRY PROCEDURES Failure to meet any of the specified entry requirements could result in disqualification.
1. A completed entry form for each project submission, please download HERE
2. A completed photo release form for each project submission, please down HERE
3. A digital portfolio including: cover sheet indicating the project name, award category, completion date (for built projects), and square footage (if applicable). Brief narrative (no more than 300 words) summarizing the principal aspects of the submitted project to convey its significance to the jury, in particular describing how the project reflects the classical tradition in the Rocky Mountain Region. Captioned photographs, plan(s), elevation(s), detail(s), rendering(s) and/or section drawing(s) as necessary to thoroughly describe the project, including photo credits, where applicable. It is suggested that architectural projects be documented clearly within a context, including: site plan with north arrow, building plans, and, where applicable, pre-existing conditions. Projects located within or adjacent to a building, such as interior design or landscape, should include one exterior photo of the building for reference. Craftsmanship entries should include process images. No more than 25 pages. Please find an example of a previous award-winning portfolio HERE
4. All entries must be anonymous. Entrants’ names and/or firm names should not appear anywhere in the portfolio
5. High resolution images should be submitted as individual .jpeg files in the order they are represented in the portfolio
6. List of the project team
7. Professional entry fee is $150 for each submission. Student entry fee is $25 for each submission. Each firm or individual can submit up to 8 projects.
Each entry must be submitted via DropBox or Google Drive. Please send a link to info@classicist-rmc.org. All projects must be submitted electronically. No physical submissions will be accepted. A confirmation email will be sent upon receipt, if you do not receive a confirmation email please follow up to ensure the submittal has been received.
Submissions are identified by name of project or number only and there shall be NO identifying information that would indicate the name of the firm, architect, designer, student, etc. Entry form is reviewed by the Chapter Director only.
Winners of the 2025 Jacques Benedict Awards will be notified personally prior to the event but will not be announced publicly until the award gala on September 19, 2025. The winners are highly encouraged to attend or send a representative in their place to receive the award. The winning entries will be displayed on the ICAA Rocky Mountain website and in print and digital media.
Please contact ICAA Rocky Mountain Chapter Administrator Ashley Jacobs at info@classicist-rmc.org with any questions.