3 AIA Learning Units Elective | 3 Classical Certificate Credits
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$55 ICAA Members, $75 General, Free for Students
*Syllabus with material list will be sent upon registration
*Must be present for entire class to obtain AIA and/or Classical Certificate Credits
Lifescape Colorado
455 S Platte River Dr
Denver, CO 80223
This three-hour intensive provides an introduction to understanding the use and rationale of the classical moldings. Moldings are the basic building blocks of classical buildings, the “atomic units” at the very heart of the classical language of architecture, and a working knowledge of moldings is the starting point for a thoughtful approach to design. Students of all abilities will find interest and value in this fast-paced introduction. You will learn to draw the classical moldings freehand and will gain an understanding of their purpose and correct use, and how to employ them for greatest effect. Whether your goal is to lay out a correct Doric column, or to design a beautifully embellished formal room, a practical understanding of the classical moldings and the rationale for their purpose and use is indispensable to the design practitioner.
Erik Evens is a lifelong resident of California, born and raised in Los Angeles, and educated at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, where he earned his degree in architecture. His profound appreciation of traditional architecture was nurtured during extensive travels throughout the United States and Europe. In the early years of his career, he worked for several design firms with varying specialties, but it was his tenure in the Los Angeles office of Marc Appleton that sealed his passion for historical styles attuned to the classical principles of harmony, proportion, order, and, above all, beauty.
Evens joined KAA Design in 1998 and became a partner in the firm in 2005, overseeing a broad range of custom residential, commercial and institutional projects. In 2013, he established Evens Architects, an independent design studio operating under the aegis of KAA and focused exclusively on traditional residential design. His work has been published in a wide array of publications, including Architectural Digest, House Beautiful and Western Interiors. Erik is releasing his first book, Shaping the World as a Home: The Houses and Gardens of Erik Evens (Rizzoli) in September 2024.
A teacher and mentor, Evens lectures widely on a variety of design-related topics. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art and sits on its national curriculum committee. He is a founding member and former president of the Southern California Chapter of the ICAA. He is also an avid sailor, drawing inspiration from the lines, craftsmanship and romantic allure of classic sailboats.
1) Identify and categorize classical moldings based on their geometric form (straight, convex, concave, and compound) and functional role (crowning, supporting, binding, and separating)
2) Explain the rationale behind classical moldings, including how they contribute to structural logic (“dramatizing gravity”), embellishment, and overall architectural composition
3) Apply principles of proportion, scale, contrast, repetition, and optical refinements to effectively integrate moldings into classical and contemporary architectural designs
4) Sketch classical moldings freehand, utilizing proper reference materials and field sketching techniques to enhance their understanding and practical application of moldings in design