The ICAA RMC Emerging Professionals Group is tailored to those within the first 5 years of their career, regardless of age, or those emerging into new areas of their career. Our new EP Group is focused on creating a community to further expose indidvuals to the practice and appreciation of the classical tradition in architecture and the allied arts in our region. Through social events, lectures, studio tours and more we will create opportunities for emerging professionals to grow through continuing education and professional development within the ICAA network.
Saturday August 1, 2020
Gather: 9:45am Tour, Concert & Sketching: 10:00am
We will be following the latest social distancing guidelines as communicated by the City of Denver and the State of Colorado
Gathering Location: Courtyard between Teller House and Central City Opera House
124 Eureka Street, Central City, CO 80427
Subject: Subject: How the West was Won… with Opera!
Presenter: Eric Chin, Director of Central City Opera’s History Properties
Free Event, Registration is Required
*Event will be limited to 10 people*
Register HERE
*Supply list will be sent to attendees upon registration*
We are pleased to announce a rare opportunity to tour the Central City Opera House. The window of opportunity was tight, but we could not pass up the offer to have our Emerging Professionals visit this historic set of properties… and receive a rare balcony performance from one of the Central City Opera vocalists! We thank Karen Ritz, the 2020 President of the Central City Opera Guild and our own David Rote from the ICAA-RMC Board of Directors for this opportunity.
In 1877, the citizens of Central City formed the Gilpin County Opera House Association to fundraise for the state's first opera house. Denver architect Robert S. Roeschlaub designed the Renaissance Revival stone and brick structure with a crescent-shaped balcony and arched windows. San Francisco artist John C. Massman painted a mural to the ceiling with a central medallion that features the sky, surrounded by a large geometrical patter, and trompe-l’oeil architectural moldings. It was built by Welsh and Cornish miners and town residents, who had a tradition of music.
Please bring your preferred social distancing mask and hand sanitizer. We will provide water & beverages.